*الأسعار المعروضة هنا هي إرشادية فقط وقد تختلف حسب وقت الوقوف. يجب على العملاء التحقق من السعر الفعلي المعلن بشكل واضح على لوحات التعرفة عند جميع مداخل مواقف السيارات.
تأسست في العام 1981، وتتخصص الشركة في إدارة مواقف السيارات وتأجير العقارات، وهي أيضًا الوكيل الحصري في مملكة البحرين لشركة “شيدت آند باخمان”، الشركة الألمانية الرائدة في طرح الحلول الذكية لمواقف السيارات.
شركة البحرين لمواقف السيارات (أماكن). شارع الحكومة 128, المنامة, البحرين.
ت: 97317224477+
ف: 97317224428+
لاي استفسار يمكنك ملئ الاستمارة ادناه وسيقوم فريقنا بالرد على رسالتكم.
Amin Ahmed Alarrayed is the Chief Executive Officerat Bahrain Real Estate Investment Company (Edamah).Mr. Alarrayed has over 20 years of experience in banking,real estate investment, and real estate development.
Prior to joining Edamah, he worked at First Bahrain Real Estate Development Company as the Chief Executive Officer. Additionally, he is the Managing Director of both Sa’ada Real Estate Investment Company and Bilaj Al Jazayer Real Estate Investment Company.
Mr. Alarrayed is a prominent leader in the real estate industry; his successful career includes diverse experience across several industries, having held several leadership roles including Head of Retail and Placement as a Founding Member of Reef Real Estate Finance and Regional Head of Retail Banking at Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait. He also worked at the Central Bank of Bahrain and gained international experience while working at the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, USA.
Mr. Alarrayed holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with Distinction from Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University, Chicago, USA, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Redlands, California, USA.